Unranked New England Law School's Dean Has An Outrageous Salary
The Boston Globe reports that New England Law School's longtime dean, John F. O'Brien, may be among the highest paid law school deans in America at more than $867,000 a year in salary and...
View ArticleINSTANT MBA: Stop Worrying About What Other People Think
Today's advice comes from Cheryl Bachelder, CEO of Popeyes, via Forbes: "The thing I wish I had learned at a younger age is the importance of bringing your authentic self to your leadership and your...
View Article3 Ways To Manage Your Time Better
Every day is filled with the same number of hours: 24. So why is it that some people think that magically, another two to three hours will somehow materialize?While you can find ways to make your life...
View ArticleThe Weirdest Interview Questions Tech Companies Ask
Career site Glassdoor has compiled its annual list of the oddest job interview questions that companies ask, and – surprise! – there's a bunch of questions from tech companies like Google, Amazon and...
View Article17 Things You Need To Consider Before Accepting Your Next Job
When I graduated from Brown, I had a very limited conception of jobs, careers, and what I wanted to do. Basically, I figured I should do some kind of thought work that paid well, but I wasn’t sure...
View ArticleThis Insanely Complicated Chart Shows Just How Tough It Is For Lawyers To...
Figuring out when to leave work shouldn't be a Herculean task.You either talk to your boss, or leave when you've completed all your work for the day.But apparently that isn't the case in BigLaw.Rob...
View ArticleA Detailed Explanation For Why People Become Investment Bankers
There are different reasons why individuals become investment bankers (ibankers). Why they yearn to practice the sacred art of investment banking (ibanking). Though there are people who enter this...
View Article15 Great Careers With Unconventional Hours
At some point in the grand history of America, it was decreed that everyone was supposed to work for eight hours a day, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Yet ever since Dolly Parton started belting out her...
View Article19 Awesome Jobs That Pay $80K Or More
It's been 26 years since Gordon Gekko of Wall Street pronounced greed is good. We won't take it that far.What we would say, however, is that paying your bills on time is excellent. Saving some money...
View Article'Very Desperate' Unemployed Lawyer Turns To Craigslist
A single dad in Culver City, Calif., is begging for work as a lawyer on Craigslist, claiming he is so desperate he's willing to take basically any legal job.Here's the ad, originally posted by Above...
View ArticleHow To Find A Hidden Job Before Someone Else Does
The "hidden job market" is one of the biggest of buzz phrases for job seekers.Many experts argue that up to 80 percent of the available jobs are hidden, although absolute documentation is hard to come...
View ArticleRecruiters Call Internet Job Board Applicants 'Homers' After Homer Simpson
For people without an inside track to a job, internet job boards, corporate websites, and job fairs are often their first resource. Unfortunately, despite the fact that they're the most widespread and...
View ArticleProminent Legal Blogger Dishes On Pretending To Be A Girl With A...
David Lat is best known for his insightful, and somewhat snarky, legal insider blog Above The Law.But before he created ATL, he was an assistant U.S. Attorney with a blog called Underneath Their...
View ArticleHow The Job Market For Law School Grads Crumbled
Last week, it was reported that law school applications were on pace to hit a 30-year low, a dramatic turn of events that could leave campuses with about 24 percent fewer students than in 2010.Young...
View ArticleSheryl Sandberg Has Been Ordering People Around Since She Was A Child (FB)
In a new book, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg writes about the difficulties of being a woman in a man's corporate world.Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead, due to come out next week, is filled...
View ArticleKill Your Awful Annual Reviews—It's Time To Give Employees 'Hyperfeedback'
A new software trend is turning the painful chore of annual employee reviews into something fun.Yes, really.It's called social performance management—or, in a buzzword that's less redolent of "Office...
View Article25 Enterprise Startups To Bet Your Career On
Enterprise tech has gone from a yawn to an excited scream over the past year.Businesses that sell to other businesses, with their steady revenues and more-predictable growth, are now the darling of...
View ArticleOne Law School Dean Tells Us The REAL Reason Nobody Wants A JD Anymore
Law school is more unpopular than ever, and it has some unlikely critics.Law professors Paul Campos and Brian Tamanaha are now calling for drastic reform of the same system that pays their bills.Campos...
View ArticleGeorge Washington Law School's Unemployed Grads Are Costing The School $3...
One of the nation's highly ranked law schools is spending nearly $3 million to place more than one-fifth of its 2012 graduates in school-funded, short-term internships, The GW Hatchet reported...
View ArticleNew Data Should Have Every Second-Year Law Student Extremely Worried About...
The National Association for Law Placement has released its analysis of hiring for the fall 2012 summer associate recruiting season, and the results aren't pretty. Firms are being pretty stingy when...
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